Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It may sound like that, but this little poem is not about me. It is about YOU. Your spirit, your courage, your determination of not giving up. Almost everyone of us sometimes look into mirror and talk to ourselves, albeit subconsciously...especially during worst times of life. 

This is a straight salute to all of you, for not giving up.

"I saw myself, looking at me, with utmost expectations. I realised that I depended totally on me, and there was no other person who could support me and help me, besides myself.

There was no other, and there will be none.
It was always me, alone in my prison.
Locked away from the entire world while I was alone with my thoughts mundane
I realised that no one could take me out of my grief, and this unendurable pain.

While, I, besides myself, totally depended on me,
“Me” being the master of my fate, had to decide what it would be.
I decided I would never rely on others,
And I would be bold when I face life’s trials and tribulations.

When I myself would depend on me,
No one else would become my priority.
I would never look down upon myself,
Supporting myself, I would never expect any stranger’s help.

Besides myself, I would always be there;
Be the weather rough, be the weather fair.
I won’t let anyone tell me I cannot.
I know I can do it, no matter what.

If I love myself and trust myself, and no one else but me
In spite of all my drawbacks, shortcomings and idiosyncrasy,
I have a strange gut feeling inside me deep
That, then, Victory will come to me and kiss my feet."

-Prasanjit Saha

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